Knowledge Vault 6 /73 - ICML 2022
Design for Inference in Drug Discovery and Development
Aviv Regev
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3.5 Sonnet | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef aims fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef challenges fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef methods fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef collaboration fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Design for Inference
in Drug Discovery
and Development] --> B[Genentech
Aims] A --> C[Challenges
in Drug
Discovery] A --> D[Innovative
Methods] A --> E[Collaboration
Data Sharing] B --> B1[Double advances,
cost. 1] B --> B2[Identified ~100,000
regions. 2] B --> B3[Single-cell,
profiling data. 8] B --> B4[Deep metric learning
for cell
types. 9] B --> B5[Predicts unseen
impacts. 6] B --> B6[Explores fitness
sequences. 11] C --> C1[Enormous possibility
spaces. 3] C --> C2[New scaffolds,
cliffs. 14] C --> C3[Challenges in small
molecules. 24] C --> C4[Combining data:
perturbation. 23] C --> C5[Balancing conserved,
regions. 12] C --> C6[Challenges in
generalization. 13] D --> D1[Lab-in-the-loop:
target, drug, clinical. 10] D --> D2[Virtual screens,
oracles. 13] D --> D3[Predicts peptide
immunogenicity. 15] D --> D4[CRISPR: Genetic
perturbations in
screens. 26] D --> D5[Interpretable models:
predict molecule
activities. 27] D --> D6[Multiple therapeutic
modalities. 29] E --> E1[Expands trial access
to underrepresented. 17] E --> E2[Builds human-derived
models. 18] E --> E3[Shares data,
tools. 19] E --> E4[Collaboration: Genentech,
vaccines. 28] E --> E5[Collaboration: Chemists,
CS. 25] E --> E6[Public-private
partnerships. 22] class A,B,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6 aims class C,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 challenges class D,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6 methods class E,E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6 collaboration


1.- Genentech aims to double medical advances at lesser cost to society by leveraging machine learning and human biology insights.

2.- Human genetics has identified ~100,000 genome regions associated with disease risk, providing starting points for drug discovery.

3.- Drug discovery faces challenges due to enormous possibility spaces in biology, chemistry, and medicine, with few realizable options.

4.- Four catalysts driving progress: human biology studies, high-resolution/scale methods, new therapeutic modalities, and advances in computation/machine learning.

5.- Perturb-seq enables profiling gene expression changes from genetic perturbations at single-cell resolution, allowing inference of gene regulatory networks.

6.- Causal factor graph models can learn from large-scale perturbation data, predicting impacts of unseen perturbations better than previous approaches.

7.- Compressed experimental designs allow efficient exploration of genetic interactions by profiling multiple perturbations simultaneously and computationally decompressing effects.

8.- The Human Cell Atlas project provides single-cell and spatial profiling data of the human body, aiding in understanding disease mechanisms.

9.- Similarity search tool uses deep metric learning to find similar cell types across studies, aiding in identifying relevant cells for experiments.

10.- Lab-in-the-loop concept applies to target discovery, drug discovery, and clinical development, iteratively improving models and experiments.

11.- Deep manifold sampler for antibody engineering allows exploring fitness landscapes and generating diverse sequence designs with functional improvements.

12.- Multisegment preserving sampling balances conserved and variable regions in protein families during optimization.

13.- Small molecule drug discovery uses virtual screens with trained oracles to predict active molecules from billions of possibilities.

14.- Models for small molecule discovery face challenges in out-of-distribution generalization, including new scaffolds and activity cliffs.

15.- Personalized neoantigen vaccines use transformer models to predict peptide presentation and immunogenicity from tumor mutations.

16.- Machine learning aids in improving clinical trials by identifying genetic factors contributing to adverse events and treatment responses.

17.- Genentech commits to inclusive research and health equity, expanding clinical trial access to underrepresented populations.

18.- The company invests in collecting diverse research data and building human-derived models reflecting human diversity.

19.- Genentech shares data, publishes papers, and develops open-source tools to support collaborative research.

20.- Perturbational atlases are needed to provide causal insights beyond observational data in biological systems.

21.- Biology offers unique opportunities for interventional data through genetic perturbations, valuable for machine learning.

22.- Public-private partnerships are addressing data gaps in small molecule research, especially for antibiotic discovery.

23.- Combining perturbation data with human genetics can improve identification of gene interactions in disease.

24.- Aligning scaffold space with target space remains a challenge in small molecule design.

25.- Collaboration between domain experts (e.g., chemists, biologists) and computer scientists is crucial for advancing drug discovery.

26.- Genentech uses CRISPR technology for genetic perturbations in pooled screens.

27.- The company develops interpretable models for predicting molecule activities, aiding medicinal chemists in drug design.

28.- Genentech collaborates with BioNTech on personalized cancer vaccines using RNA technology.

29.- The company applies machine learning across multiple therapeutic modalities, including antibodies, small molecules, and cell/gene therapies.

30.- Genentech emphasizes the importance of causality in biological insights for successful drug development.

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