Knowledge Vault 6 /68 - ICML 2021
Oops I Took A Gradient: Scalable Sampling for Discrete Distributions
Will Grathwohl · Kevin Swersky · Milad Hashemi · David Duvenaud · Chris Maddison
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graph LR classDef models fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef sampling fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef optimization fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef applications fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Oops I Took
A Gradient: Scalable
Sampling for Discrete
Distributions] --> B[Energy-based
Models] A --> C[Sampling
Methods] A --> D[Optimization
Techniques] A --> E[Applications
Performance] B --> B1[Parameterize probability
flexibly. 1] B --> B2[Estimate with
samples. 2] B --> B3[Text, tabular,
proteins, molecular
graphs. 4] B --> B4[Use deep networks
for energy
functions. 21] B --> B5[Applying to
data. 22] B --> B6[Discrete distributions
as continuous. 13] C --> C1[Simple method
for discrete
sampling. 5] C --> C2[High rejection
rates. 6] C --> C3[Efficient whole-input
updates. 7] C --> C4[Accept or
updates. 8] C --> C5[New sampler
gradients. 15] C --> C6[Faster convergence
gradients. 18] D --> D1[High likelihood and
balance. 9] D --> D2[Controls likelihood-entropy
trade-off. 10] D --> D3[Achieved at
2. 11] D --> D4[Naive optimal proposal
evaluation. 12] D --> D5[Efficient likelihood
estimation. 14] D --> D6[O1 evaluations
update. 16] E --> E1[Efficient realistic
sampling. 17] E --> E2[Outperforms pseudo-likelihood
Gibbs. 20] E --> E3[Outperforms VAEs
and classical
models. 24] E --> E4[Generates high-quality
samples. 25] E --> E5[Applies to high-dimensional
data. 26] E --> E6[Various discrete
distributions and
models. 27] class A,B,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6 models class C,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 sampling class D,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6 optimization class E,E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6 applications


1.- Energy-based models: Parameterize probability distributions using an energy function, offering flexibility in model design.

2.- Log likelihood gradient: Can be estimated using samples from the model, enabling training of energy-based models.

3.- Continuous vs. discrete data: Gradient-based sampling methods work well for continuous data, but are challenging for discrete data.

4.- Importance of discrete data: Many data types like text, tabular data, proteins, and molecular graphs are discrete.

5.- Gibbs sampling: A simple method for sampling discrete distributions by iteratively updating individual dimensions.

6.- Inefficiency of Gibbs sampling: Many proposed updates are rejected, wasting computation.

7.- Dimension-wise proposal distribution: A more efficient sampling approach that proposes updates based on the entire input.

8.- Metropolis-Hastings acceptance probability: Used to accept or reject proposed updates in MCMC sampling.

9.- Optimal proposal distribution: Balances high likelihood of proposed samples with high entropy of the proposal distribution.

10.- Temperature parameter: Controls the trade-off between likelihood and entropy in the proposal distribution.

11.- Near-optimal proposal: Achieved when the temperature is set to 2, simplifying the acceptance probability.

12.- Computational challenge: Naive implementation of the optimal proposal requires evaluating all possible dimension flips.

13.- Continuous differentiable functions: Many discrete distributions can be expressed as continuous functions restricted to discrete inputs.

14.- Taylor series approximation: Used to efficiently estimate likelihood differences for all dimensions.

15.- Gibbs with gradients: A new MCMC sampler that approximates the optimal proposal using gradient information.

16.- Efficiency: Gibbs with gradients requires only O(1) function evaluations per update, unlike naive Gibbs sampling.

17.- RBM sampling experiment: Gibbs with gradients produces realistic samples more efficiently than Gibbs sampling.

18.- Image denoising with Ising models: Gibbs with gradients converges faster to reasonable solutions than Gibbs sampling.

19.- Protein contact prediction: An important task in computational biology using POTS models.

20.- POTS model training: Gibbs with gradients outperforms pseudo-likelihood maximization and Gibbs sampling, especially for large proteins.

21.- Deep energy-based models: Recent success in using deep neural networks to parameterize energy functions.

22.- Discrete deep energy-based models: Applying deep energy-based models to discrete data, which was previously challenging.

23.- Persistent contrastive divergence: A training method for energy-based models, adapted for discrete data using Gibbs with gradients.

24.- Performance comparison: Deep energy-based models trained with Gibbs with gradients outperform VAEs and classical energy-based models.

25.- Annealed MCMC: Used to generate high-quality samples from trained energy-based models.

26.- Scalability: Gibbs with gradients enables application of energy-based models to high-dimensional discrete data.

27.- Versatility: The method can be applied to various types of discrete distributions and energy-based models.

28.- Implementation simplicity: Gibbs with gradients is easy to implement in standard machine learning frameworks.

29.- Broader impact: Enables energy-based models to be applied to a wider range of data types and problems.

30.- Future work: Potential applications in text modeling, structure inference, and other discrete data domains.

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