Knowledge Vault 6 /53 - ICML 2020
Quantum Machine Learning : Prospects and Challenges
Iordanis Kerenidis
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graph LR classDef main fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef basics fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef algorithms fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef applications fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef challenges fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef future fill:#d4f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px Main[Quantum Machine Learning
: Prospects and
Challenges] --> A[Quantum Computing
Basics] Main --> B[QML Algorithms] Main --> C[QML Applications] Main --> D[Challenges and
Considerations] Main --> E[Future Directions] A --> A1[Quantum computing:
fundamentally different, faster
for tasks 1] A --> A2[New quantum
algorithms needed for
different encoding 2] A --> A3[QML: overhyped
and underestimated, conflicting
views 3] A --> A4[Large quantum
computers offer advantages
in ML 4] A --> A5[Reducing resource
requirements for near-term
QML 5] A --> A6[Co-designing QML
software and quantum
hardware 6] B --> B1[Quantum linear
algebra: powerful tool
for speedups 8] B --> B2[Fast quantum
Euclidean distance estimation
enables classification 9] B --> B3[Quantum dimensionality
reduction for efficient
classification 10] B --> B4[Singular value
estimation: key quantum
primitive 11] B --> B5[Quantum matrix
operations for various
applications 12] B --> B6[Logarithmic-depth circuits
prepare quantum data
states 18] C --> C1[Quantum recommendation
systems: theoretical vs
practical speedups 13] C --> C2[Quantum neural
networks: various proposed
architectures 15] C --> C3[Quantum-accelerated k-means
clustering using subroutines 20] C --> C4[Quantum methods
extended to other
unsupervised learning 21] C --> C5[Quantum reinforcement
learning: promising direction
for speedups 22] C --> C6[Quantum algorithms
speed up data
space mapping 19] D --> D1[QML may
handle noisy quantum
computers 7] D --> D2[More work
needed on practical
quantum speedups 14] D --> D3[Challenges in
quantum deep learning
architectures 16] D --> D4[Quantum data
loaders: efficient classical-to-quantum
conversion 17] D --> D5[QML focus:
practical speedups for
real-world problems 23] D --> D6[Complexity comparisons
show potential quantum
speedups 24] E --> E1[Quantum linear
algebra tools need
further research 25] E --> E2[Focus on
practical QML solutions
crucial 26] E --> E3[QML requires
hard research work
for progress 27] E --> E4[Collaboration between
quantum and classical
ML essential 28] E --> E5[Speaker optimistic
about QMLs potential,
actively researching 29] E --> E6[Steady progress
in QML, more
work needed 30] class Main main class A,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 basics class B,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6 algorithms class C,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 applications class D,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6 challenges class E,E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6 future


1.- Quantum computing is a fundamentally different way of performing computation that can provide much faster solutions for certain tasks compared to classical computing.

2.- New algorithmic solutions need to be invented specifically for quantum computers, as it is a very different way of encoding and processing information.

3.- Quantum machine learning (QML) is both the most overhyped and underestimated field in quantum computing, with conflicting views on its potential impact.

4.- With sufficiently large quantum computers, QML can offer provable theoretical advantages for applications like supervised/unsupervised learning, classification, clustering, recommendation systems, boosting, expectation maximization.

5.- Work is being done to reduce the resource requirements of impactful QML algorithms to bring them closer to near-term reality on quantum hardware.

6.- QML software and quantum hardware are being developed in parallel, allowing for co-design of hardware architectures tailored for QML applications from the start.

7.- Near-term quantum computers will be noisy, but QML may be able to handle this inherent computational noise since classical ML already deals with noisy data.

8.- Quantum linear algebra (matrix multiplication, inversion, eigendecomposition, linear systems) is a powerful yet subtle tool that can provide speedups and is used in QML.

9.- A simple procedure using quantum states can estimate Euclidean distances between points in time logarithmic in the dimension, enabling fast similarity-based classification if data is efficiently loaded.

10.- Quantum procedures for dimensionality reduction (PCA, LDA, SFA) using linear algebra can map data to a lower-dimensional space where classification is more efficient.

11.- Singular value estimation is a key quantum primitive that can efficiently estimate eigenvalues of a matrix given access to its eigenvectors, with runtime depending on matrix properties.

12.- Singular value estimation enables fast quantum matrix multiplication, inversion, and linear system solvers used for applications like recommendation systems.

13.- The quantum recommendation system algorithm gives a theoretical exponential speedup over classical methods, but the quantum-inspired classical algorithm casts doubt on an actual exponential practical advantage.

14.- More work is needed to translate theoretical quantum speedups for recommendation systems into real practical speedups; the quantum vs classical verdict has not substantially changed.

15.- Various architectures have been proposed for quantum neural networks - parameterized quantum circuits trained to perform classification, mimicking classical neural networks.

16.- The main challenge in quantum deep learning is either finding quantum neural network architectures with provable performance guarantees or ways to train classical networks faster using quantum computers.

17.- Quantum data loaders are needed to efficiently convert classical data into quantum states that algorithms can process; several hardware and algorithmic approaches are being developed.

18.- Recent work shows quantum circuits can prepare quantum states corresponding to classical vectors in logarithmic depth after reading the data once, facilitating QML applications.

19.- Quantum algorithms can not only load classical data, but speed up the mapping of data between spaces using linear algebra, which is often a bottleneck.

20.- The k-means clustering algorithm can be accelerated using quantum subroutines for distance estimation and centroid updating via linear algebra.

21.- Quantum methods have been extended to other unsupervised learning methods like expectation maximization and spectral clustering.

22.- Quantum algorithms for reinforcement learning, such as quantum policy iteration using linear systems, are a promising direction as the problems are well-suited to quantum speedups.

23.- The key question for QML is not about exponential vs polynomial speedups, but about attaining practical speedups for real-world problem sizes.

24.- Complexity comparisons between quantum and classical state-of-the-art ML algorithms show potential for substantial quantum speedups with increasing data dimension, a promising initial sign.

25.- Powerful but subtle quantum tools like linear algebra require significant work to understand and apply correctly to QML; more research is needed on promising areas.

26.- Focusing on practical quantum solutions to real-world ML problems is crucial; finding early QML applications is challenging but worth pursuing.

27.- QML should not be overhyped as a panacea nor underestimated as dead on arrival; putting in the hard research work is necessary for progress.

28.- Collaboration between the quantum computing and classical ML communities will be essential for finding practical QML solutions.

29.- The speaker, a quantum algorithms researcher, is optimistic about QML's potential and is actively working to advance the field.

30.- Much more work remains to be done to bring QML to fruition, but steady progress is being made on both theoretical and practical fronts.

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