Knowledge Vault 6 /49 - ICML 2019
What should be learned?
Stefan Schaal
< Resume Image >

Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3.5 Sonnet | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef main fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef background fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef learning fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef control fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef challenges fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef future fill:#d4f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px Main[What should be
learned?] --> A[Background and
Expertise] Main --> B[Learning Approaches] Main --> C[Control Strategies] Main --> D[Challenges and
Considerations] Main --> E[Future Directions] A --> A1[Schaal: robotics expert at
X, USC, MPI 1] A --> A2[Shaws work: motor learning,
control, reinforcement 2] A --> A3[Co-founded conference, authored 400+
publications 3] A --> A4[Motor learning: learn state-to-action
mappings 4] A --> A5[Direct vs structured control
approaches 5] A --> A6[Human motor control inspires
robotics approaches 17] B --> B1[Attractive landscapes represent generalizable
policies 6] B --> B2[Path integral RL updates
commands optimally 8] B --> B3[Multi-task learning: packing or
mixture models 10] B --> B4[Residual learning modifies existing
policies 11] B --> B5[High-capacity networks learn complex
modifications 13] B --> B6[Behavioral cloning initiates, reinforcement
learning optimizes 23] C --> C1[Model-based impedance homogenizes workspace 7] C --> C2[Handles discontinuous dynamics, hidden
states 9] C --> C3[Sensory feedback integrates into
attractor policies 12] C --> C4[Structured control combines planning,
dynamics, learning 14] C --> C5[Learning applies to planning,
force control 15] C --> C6[Control-affine systems combine learned,
model-based components 25] D --> D1[Real-time limits high-frequency control
complexity 16] D --> D2[Structure-flexibility trade-off ongoing research 22] D --> D3[Policy representation affects generalization,
efficiency 24] D --> D4[Balance: storing behaviors vs
generalizing tasks 26] D --> D5[Integrating perception and control
for adaptation 27] D --> D6[Control loop frequency crucial
for physical robots 28] E --> E1[Autonomous complex task learning
remains challenging 18] E --> E2[Automatic state machine learning
needs research 19] E --> E3[Integrating model-based/free improves efficiency,
performance 20] E --> E4[Structured approaches leverage existing
knowledge 21] E --> E5[Modular learning enables skill
transfer, adaptation 29] E --> E6[Fully autonomous complex learning
remains open challenge 30] class Main main class A,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 background class B,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6 learning class C,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6 control class D,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6 challenges class E,E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6 future


1.- Stefan Schaal is a robotics director at X, former professor at USC, and director at MPI, with expertise in AI and robotics.

2.- Shaw has done foundational work in motor learning, motor control, reinforcement learning, and model-based control.

3.- He co-founded the Robotics Science and Systems Conference and has co-authored over 400 publications.

4.- The goal of motor learning is to learn policies - functions that map states to actions for any task of interest.

5.- Direct control involves learning a policy directly from data, while structured approaches separate feedback, feedforward, and planning.

6.- Attractive landscapes are a way to represent policies that cover space, allowing generalization to different starting points.

7.- Model-based impedance control can homogenize the workspace, making learning transferable across different robot configurations.

8.- Path integral reinforcement learning uses weighted averages of trajectory rewards to update motor commands optimally.

9.- Path integral RL doesn't require gradients and can handle discontinuous dynamics and hidden states.

10.- Multi-task learning involves packing multiple tasks into one network or using mixture models for modularity.

11.- Residual learning adds modifications to existing policies to adapt to new tasks or environments.

12.- Sensory feedback can be integrated into attractor policies to modify behavior based on environmental interactions.

13.- High-capacity networks can be used to learn complex modifications to base behaviors, like obstacle avoidance.

14.- Structured control combines planning, dynamics, and learning at multiple levels for more efficient and safe robotic systems.

15.- Learning can be applied to different aspects of control, including trajectory planning and force control.

16.- Real-time constraints limit the complexity of networks that can be used for high-frequency force control.

17.- Human motor control involves multiple learning systems working simultaneously, inspiring similar approaches in robotics.

18.- Autonomous learning of complex sequential tasks remains a challenge in robotics.

19.- Automatic learning of state machines for robotic tasks is an important area for future research.

20.- The integration of model-based and model-free approaches can improve data efficiency and task performance.

21.- Structured approaches to robotics can leverage existing knowledge about dynamics and control for faster learning.

22.- The trade-off between structure and flexibility in learning systems is an ongoing area of research.

23.- Behavioral cloning can be used to initially teach robots tasks, which can then be optimized through reinforcement learning.

24.- The choice of representation for policies (e.g., attractive landscapes) affects generalization and learning efficiency.

25.- Control-affine systems provide a useful framework for combining learned and model-based components in robotic control.

26.- The balance between storing learned behaviors and generalizing to new tasks is a key consideration in robotic learning.

27.- Integrating perception and motor control is crucial for adaptive robotic behavior in dynamic environments.

28.- The frequency of control loops is an important consideration when implementing learned controllers on physical robots.

29.- Modular learning approaches allow for easier transfer and adaptation of skills across different tasks.

30.- The potential for fully autonomous learning of complex robotic behaviors remains an open challenge in the field.

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