Knowledge Vault 6 /35 - ICML 2018
Learning World Models: the Next Step Towards AI.
Yann LeCun
< Resume Image >

Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3.5 Sonnet | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef core fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef techniques fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef applications fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef challenges fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef future fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px Main[Learning World Models:
the Next Step
Towards AI.] Main --> A[Deep learning: multi-layer
neural networks 1] A --> B[Supervised learning: training
on labeled data 2] A --> C[CNNs: specialized for
grid-like data 3] A --> D[Feature extraction: learning
from raw data 4] A --> E[End-to-end learning: raw
inputs to outputs 5] Main --> F[Enabling Technologies] F --> G[ImageNet: large-scale image
dataset 6] F --> H[GPU acceleration: speed
up training 7] F --> I[Transfer learning: apply
knowledge across tasks 8] F --> J[Open-source AI: public
software and models 12] Main --> K[Computer Vision] K --> L[Semantic segmentation: pixel-wise
class labeling 9] K --> M[Object detection: identify
and localize objects 10] K --> N[Real-time processing: immediate
use of AI 11] Main --> O[Natural Language Processing] O --> P[NLP: understanding and
generating human language 13] P --> Q[Neural machine translation:
automated language translation 14] Main --> R[Reinforcement Learning] R --> S[RL: decision-making through
environment interaction 15] S --> T[Sample efficiency: learn
from limited data 16] S --> U[Model-based RL: use
world models 24] Main --> V[Advanced Concepts] V --> W[Common sense reasoning:
general knowledge challenge 17] V --> X[World models: internal
representations for prediction 18] V --> Y[Self-supervised learning: learn
from unlabeled data 19] V --> Z[Adversarial training: competing
neural networks 20] V --> AA[Generative models: create
realistic data samples 21] V --> AB[Video prediction: forecast
future video frames 22] V --> AC[Latent variable models:
capture uncertainty 23] Main --> AD[Applications] AD --> AE[Autonomous driving: AI-powered
vehicle navigation 25] AD --> AF[Multi-modal learning: integrate
multiple data types 26] Main --> AG[Challenges and Future Directions] AG --> AH[Explainable AI: interpretable
decision-making processes 27] AG --> AI[Few-shot learning: learn
from few examples 28] AG --> AJ[AI ethics: consider
societal and moral impacts 29] AG --> AK[Science of intelligence:
fundamental understanding of intelligence 30] class A,B,C,D,E core class F,G,H,I,J techniques class K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U applications class V,W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC challenges class AD,AE,AF,AG,AH,AI,AJ,AK future


1.- Deep learning: A branch of machine learning using neural networks with multiple layers to learn hierarchical representations of data.

2.- Supervised learning: Training machine learning models on labeled data to make predictions or classifications.

3.- Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs): Deep learning architectures specialized for processing grid-like data, particularly effective for image analysis.

4.- Feature extraction: The process of automatically learning relevant features from raw data, replacing manual feature engineering.

5.- End-to-end learning: Training models to map directly from raw inputs to desired outputs without intermediate hand-designed representations.

6.- ImageNet: A large-scale image dataset that catalyzed advances in deep learning for computer vision tasks.

7.- GPU acceleration: Using graphics processing units to significantly speed up neural network training and inference.

8.- Transfer learning: Applying knowledge gained from one task to improve performance on a related task.

9.- Semantic segmentation: Assigning class labels to each pixel in an image for detailed scene understanding.

10.- Object detection: Identifying and localizing multiple objects in images or video frames.

11.- Real-time processing: Performing AI tasks fast enough for immediate use, like in mobile applications or autonomous vehicles.

12.- Open-source AI: Publicly available AI software and models that accelerate research and development in the field.

13.- Natural Language Processing (NLP): AI techniques for understanding, interpreting, and generating human language.

14.- Neural machine translation: Using neural networks for automated translation between languages.

15.- Reinforcement learning: Training agents to make sequences of decisions by interacting with an environment.

16.- Sample efficiency: The ability to learn effectively from limited amounts of training data.

17.- Common sense reasoning: The challenge of imbuing AI systems with general knowledge humans take for granted.

18.- World models: Internal representations of how the world works, enabling prediction and planning.

19.- Self-supervised learning: Learning useful representations from unlabeled data by predicting parts of the input.

20.- Adversarial training: A technique where two neural networks compete, one generating fake data and another discriminating real from fake.

21.- Generative models: AI systems that can create new, realistic data samples like images or text.

22.- Video prediction: Forecasting future frames in a video sequence based on past observations.

23.- Latent variable models: Incorporating unobserved variables to capture uncertainty and generate diverse predictions.

24.- Model-based reinforcement learning: Using learned world models to plan actions and improve sample efficiency.

25.- Autonomous driving: Applying AI techniques to enable vehicles to navigate and make decisions without human input.

26.- Multi-modal learning: Integrating information from multiple types of data (e.g., vision and language) for more robust AI systems.

27.- Explainable AI: Developing techniques to make AI decision-making processes more interpretable and transparent to humans.

28.- Few-shot learning: The ability to learn new tasks or concepts from very few examples.

29.- AI ethics: Considering the societal impacts and moral implications of AI development and deployment.

30.- Science of intelligence: The quest to develop a fundamental theoretical understanding of intelligence, both artificial and biological.

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