Knowledge Vault 6 /31 - ICML 2018
AI and Security: Lessons, Challenges and Future Directions
Dawn Song
< Resume Image >

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graph LR classDef intro fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef vulnerability fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef aiattacks fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef privacy fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef solutions fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px Main[AI and Security:
Lessons, Challenges and
Future Directions] Main --> A[Dawn Song: first
invited speaker 1] A --> B[IoT devices: vulnerabilities
from third-party code 2] B --> C[Deep learning detects
IoT firmware vulnerabilities 3] C --> D[Improved accuracy and
speed in detection 4] Main --> E[AI for attack
detection and defense 5] E --> F[Chatbots detect social
engineering attacks 6] E --> G[AI verifies software
correctness and security 7] Main --> H[Increasing incentives to
compromise AI systems 8] H --> I[Attacks on AI
integrity and confidentiality 9] H --> J[Improving AI system
security is crucial 10] Main --> K[Adversarial examples fool
computer vision systems 11] K --> L[Traffic sign misclassification
under various conditions 12] K --> M[Adversarial examples prevalent
across domains 13] K --> N[Proposed defenses ineffective
against adaptive attacks 14] Main --> O[AI security: software,
learning, distributed challenges 15] O --> P[Evaluate systems on
adversarial inputs 16] O --> Q[Neural programming synthesis
enables provable generalization 17] Q --> R[Program architecture impacts
generalization and security 18] Main --> S[AI systems may
leak sensitive information 19] S --> T[Differential privacy prevents
information exposure 20] T --> U[Protects individual data
contributions 21] T --> V[Easy integration into
SQL and ML 22] Main --> W[Hardware-based secure enclaves
protect computational infrastructure 23] W --> X[Keystone: open-source secure
enclave for RISC-V 24] W --> Y[Oasis platform: privacy-preserving
contracts and ML 25] Y --> Z[Privacy-preserving medical research
on blockchain 26] Y --> AA[User-controlled AI agents
without compromising privacy 27] Main --> AB[Open challenges in
AI and security 28] AB --> AC[Best paper: Circumventing
adversarial example defenses 29] AC --> AD[Advice for evaluating
robustness of defenses 30] class A,B intro class C,D,E,F,G vulnerability class H,I,J,K,L,M,N aiattacks class O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V privacy class W,X,Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD solutions


1.- Dawn Song is the first invited speaker at an event and is welcomed to the podium.

2.- By 2020, over 50 billion Internet of Things devices are expected to be deployed, but they have vulnerabilities from third-party code.

3.- The speaker's recent work used deep learning and neural network-based graph embedding to identify code similarity for detecting IoT firmware vulnerabilities.

4.- This vulnerability detection approach significantly improves accuracy and training/streaming time compared to previous methods.

5.- Deep learning can also help develop agents for attack detection and defense, and protect humans from social engineering attacks.

6.- A DARPA project is developing chatbots to detect social engineering attacks in real-time conversations and challenge potential attackers.

7.- Deep learning and reinforcement learning could help automatically verify software correctness and security by training agents to prove theorems.

8.- As AI controls more systems, attackers have increasing incentives to compromise AI and consequences of misuse become more severe.

9.- Attackers can attack AI system integrity to produce incorrect or targeted results, or attack confidentiality to learn sensitive personal information.

10.- To defend, security of learning systems themselves must improve. Attackers may also misuse AI to find vulnerabilities and devise new attacks.

11.- In self-driving cars, computer vision usually recognizes traffic signs well, but adversarial examples with subtle modifications can cause misclassification.

12.- Experiments show adversarial traffic sign images remain effective at fooling computer vision under various distances and conditions.

13.- Adversarial examples are prevalent in different domains and model types. GAN-generated and spatially transformed examples are particularly realistic.

14.- Over 100 recent papers proposed defenses, but strong adaptive attackers can evade them, so security remains a major AI deployment challenge.

15.- Improving AI security requires addressing issues at the software, learning, and distributed system levels. Learning and distribution present unique challenges.

16.- At the learning level, systems must be evaluated on adversarial inputs, not just normal data. Compositional reasoning for non-symbolic programs is needed.

17.- The author's work on neural programming synthesis uses recursion to enable provable generalization and learns faster than previous approaches.

18.- Program architecture impacts generalization. More work is needed on architectures with strong generalization and security for broader tasks.

19.- Attackers may also try to learn sensitive personal information from AI systems. A language model memorized secrets in the Enron email dataset.

20.- Differential privacy during training can prevent a language model from memorizing and exposing sensitive information later.

21.- Differential privacy makes neighboring databases indistinguishable and protects individual data contributions. It is useful but needs more general deployment.

22.- The author developed methods for easy integration of differential privacy into SQL-like queries and machine learning, with minimal accuracy loss.

23.- Hardware-based secure enclaves can protect against an untrusted computational infrastructure by providing strong isolation, attestation, and encryption.

24.- The Keystone project aims to create an open-source secure enclave design for the RISC-V architecture to enable transparent verification.

25.- The Oasis platform leverages secure computation and differential privacy for privacy-preserving smart contracts and machine learning on blockchain.

26.- An application allows patients to contribute data for privacy-preserving medical research smart contracts, rewarding them while protecting privacy.

27.- Privacy-preserving smart contracts on blockchain platforms like Oasis can enable user-controlled AI agents that provide benefits without compromising privacy.

28.- AI and security intersect in many open challenges around robustness, detecting compromise, privacy preservation, and democratization. A community effort is required.

29.- The first best paper award went to "Obfuscated Gradients Give a False Sense of Security: Circumventing Defenses to Adversarial Examples."

30.- The authors discuss how they defeated several proposed defenses to adversarial examples and give advice for evaluating the true robustness of defenses.

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