Knowledge Vault 5 /5 - CVPR 2015
Fully Convolutional Networks for Semantic Segmentation
Jonathan Long, Evan Shelhamer, Trevor Darrell
< Resume Image >

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graph LR classDef fcns fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef segmentation fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef depth fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef learning fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef architecture fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Fully Convolutional Networks
for Semantic Segmentation] --> B[FCNs: Convolutional layers enable
pixel-wise predictions. 1] A --> C[Semantic Segmentation: Assign class
labels to pixels. 2] A --> D[Monocular Depth Estimation: Predict
depth from single image. 3] C --> E[Boundary Prediction: Identify object
edges for accuracy. 4] A --> F[End-to-End Learning: Optimize input
to output simultaneously. 5] A --> G[RCNN: Bounding box predictions,
not pixel labels. 6] A --> H[Downsampling, Upsampling: Resize feature
maps, match input size. 7] B --> I[Translation Invariance: Convolutional layers
handle varying sizes. 8] A --> J[Skip Layers: Combine features,
improve detail, accuracy. 9] J --> K[Deep Jet: Shallow, deep
features capture information. 10] A --> L[Pooling Layers: Downsample, reduce
dimensions, retain features. 11] A --> M[Pixel-Wise Loss: Guide network
to improve accuracy. 12] A --> N[ImageNet Pretraining: Initial training
before specific tasks. 13] A --> O[Patch Sampling: Previous method,
contrasts full-image training. 14] A --> P[Dense CRF: Refines outputs,
enforces spatial consistency. 15] A --> Q[Multiscale Representation: Integrate local,
global information. 16] A --> R[Structured Output Learning: Capture
dependencies, improve predictions. 17] A --> S[Caffe Framework: Implement, train
convolutional networks. 18] A --> T[Weak Supervision: Less precise
labels, not pixel-wise. 19] A --> U[Pascal Dataset: Benchmark object
detection, segmentation methods. 20] A --> V[Inference Speed: Time for
predictions, real-time applications. 21] A --> W[Kepler GPU: Accelerate deep
learning computations. 22] A --> X[Multi-Task Learning: Improve generalization,
efficiency on related tasks. 23] J --> Y[HyperColumn: Combine multi-layer features
for segmentation detail. 24] A --> Z[ZoomOut: Improve representations with
scales, contexts. 25] C --> AA[Edge Detection: Refine object
boundaries in segmentation. 26] C --> AB[Motion Boundaries: Temporal changes
identify moving objects. 27] A --> AC[Mean IoU: Evaluate accuracy,
compare predictions, ground truth. 28] A --> AD[Ground Truth Labels: Train,
evaluate segmentation models. 29] H --> AE[DUC: Increase feature map
resolution for predictions. 30] class A,H,I,L,O,Q,Y,Z,AE architecture class B,C,E,AA,AB,AC,AD,G,P fcns class D,F,J,K,M,N,R,S,T,U,V,W,X learning


1.- Fully Convolutional Networks (FCNs): FCNs replace fully connected layers with convolutional layers, enabling pixel-wise predictions for image segmentation.

2.- Semantic Segmentation: Task of assigning a class label to each pixel in an image, distinguishing between different objects and background.

3.- Monocular Depth Estimation: Predicting the depth of each pixel from a single image, useful for 3D scene understanding.

4.- Boundary Prediction: Identifying the edges or boundaries of objects within an image for more accurate segmentation.

5.- End-to-End Learning: Training the network to learn from input images to desired output labels directly, optimizing all layers simultaneously.

6.- RCNN: Region-based Convolutional Neural Network used for object detection, offering bounding box predictions but not precise pixel labels.

7.- Downsampling and Upsampling: Reducing and then increasing the resolution of feature maps to match input size, crucial for accurate pixel-wise predictions.

8.- Translation Invariance: Convolutional layers preserve spatial relationships, allowing the network to handle inputs of varying sizes.

9.- Skip Layers: Connections that combine features from different network layers to improve detail and accuracy in segmentation results.

10.- Deep Jet: Combining shallow and deep features to capture both high-resolution local and low-resolution semantic information.

11.- Pooling Layers: Downsample feature maps, reducing spatial dimensions and retaining essential features.

12.- Pixel-Wise Loss: Loss function applied to each pixel, guiding the network to improve segmentation accuracy.

13.- ImageNet Pretraining: Initial training on a large dataset (ImageNet) before fine-tuning on specific tasks like segmentation.

14.- Patch Sampling: Previous method of training on image patches, contrasted with full-image training for efficiency.

15.- Dense CRF: Conditional Random Field model that refines segmentation outputs by enforcing spatial consistency.

16.- Multiscale Representation: Using image pyramids and multiscale layers to integrate local and global information.

17.- Structured Output Learning: Learning frameworks that capture dependencies between output variables, improving prediction structure.

18.- Caffe Framework: Deep learning framework used to implement and train convolutional networks.

19.- Weak Supervision: Training techniques that use less precise labels, like bounding boxes or image-level tags, instead of pixel-wise annotations.

20.- Pascal Dataset: Popular dataset for object detection and segmentation, often used for benchmarking methods.

21.- Inference Speed: Time taken to process an image and produce output predictions, important for real-time applications.

22.- Kepler GPU: Graphics Processing Unit used for accelerating deep learning computations.

23.- Multi-Task Learning: Training a single model on multiple related tasks to improve generalization and efficiency.

24.- HyperColumn: Method that combines features from multiple layers to improve segmentation detail.

25.- ZoomOut: Technique for improving feature representations by considering multiple scales and contexts.

26.- Edge Detection: Identifying edges within images to refine object boundaries in segmentation.

27.- Motion Boundaries: Using temporal changes in video to improve segmentation by identifying moving objects.

28.- Mean Intersection Over Union (IoU): Metric for evaluating segmentation accuracy by comparing predicted and ground truth areas.

29.- Ground Truth Labels: Accurate annotations used to train and evaluate the performance of segmentation models.

30.- Dense Upsampling Convolution (DUC): Technique to increase resolution of feature maps for detailed segmentation predictions.

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