Knowledge Vault 4 /81 - AI For Good 2023
Decoding the human immune system
Hans Keirstead & Jane Metcalfe
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef project fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef science fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef data fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef ai fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef healthcare fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef future fill:#d4f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Decoding the human
immune system] --> B[Human Immunome Project:
Global NGO decoding immune system. 1] A --> C[Neobiological Revolution: Digital
tools in human biology. 2] A --> D[Genomic Advances: Genome
sequencing prevents diseases. 3] A --> E[Immunomes Role: Crucial for
complex diseases. 4] A --> F[Global Collaboration: Diverse data
for immune modeling. 5] A --> G[Low and Middle-Income Populations:
Include diverse populations. 6] B --> H[Scientific Silos: Foster
interdisciplinary collaboration. 7] B --> I[Complexity Science: Immune system
needs complexity science. 8] B --> J[AI and Life Sciences: AI
handles biological data. 9] B --> K[Data Privacy and Security:
De-identified, secure data. 10] B --> L[Strategic Plan: Generate diverse
immunological data. 11] C --> M[Research Scope: All ages,
ethnicities, classes, genders. 12] C --> N[Organ-Specific Data: Multi-omics
from various organs. 13] C --> O[AI Model Development: Two-stage
AI model development. 14] C --> P[Global Data Partnerships: Ethical,
transparent data sharing. 15] C --> Q[Immunological Baselines: Baseline
data for stakeholders. 16] D --> R[Precision Medicine: Personalized
solutions for immune responses. 17] D --> S[Healthcare Disparities: Ensure
diverse representation. 18] D --> T[AI Partners: Collaborate for
model refinement. 19] D --> U[Quantum Computing: Explore for
handling complex data. 20] D --> V[Ethical Standards: International
guidelines for data collection. 21] E --> W[AI in Medicine: Major
advancements through AI. 22] E --> X[Global Health Impact: Significant
healthcare improvements. 23] E --> Y[Educational Integration: Integrate
advances into education. 24] E --> Z[Public Awareness: Advocate for
new medical tools. 25] E --> AA[Tool Utility: Ensure accessibility
and utility. 26] F --> AB[Stakeholder Engagement: Involve
diverse stakeholders. 27] F --> AC[Open Access: Open-source
data sharing. 28] F --> AD[Healthcare Policy: Policy
development based on data. 29] F --> AE[Project Vision: Fundamental change
in medicine. 30] class A project class B,C,D,E,F,G science class H,I,J,K,L data class M,N,O,P,Q ai class R,S,T,U,V ai class W,X,Y,Z,AA healthcare class AB,AC,AD,AE future


1.- Human Immunome Project: A global NGO launched to decode the human immune system using AI, aiming to develop new diagnostics, therapies, and vaccines.

2.- Neobiological Revolution: Applying digital age tools to human biology, including neuroscience, genetics, and synthetic biology, to advance medical innovation.

3.- Genomic Advances: Sequencing the human genome 20 years ago led to breakthroughs in preventing monogenetic diseases and addressing genetic mutation-caused diseases.

4.- Immunome's Role: While the genome accounts for 20% of human diseases, the immunome's understanding is crucial for the remaining 80%, involving complex systems.

5.- Global Collaboration: The Human Immunome Project unites academia, industry, governments, and NGOs to collect diverse population data for comprehensive immune system modeling.

6.- Low and Middle-Income Populations: Emphasizes the need to include diverse populations in research to address global health disparities.

7.- Scientific Silos: Calls for breaking down silos within and between scientific fields to foster collaboration and holistic problem-solving.

8.- Complexity Science: Stresses that understanding the immune system requires a complexity science approach rather than simple mapping.

9.- AI and Life Sciences: Highlights the potential of AI in handling biological data and aiding in the advancement of life sciences.

10.- Data Privacy and Security: Ensures that collected data will be de-identified and stored securely to maintain privacy and comply with ethical standards.

11.- Strategic Plan: Involves generating immunological baseline and functional data sets from diverse human populations to create comprehensive AI models.

12.- Research Scope: Targets all ages, ethnicities, socioeconomic classes, sexes, and genders, utilizing standardized probes for data collection.

13.- Organ-Specific Data: Collects multi-omics data from various organs to achieve a holistic understanding of the immune system.

14.- AI Model Development: Develops AI models in two stages, starting with a prototype using existing literature and moving to sponsor-collected data.

15.- Global Data Partnerships: Forms agreements with governments and institutions worldwide to share and regulate data ethically and transparently.

16.- Immunological Baselines: Provides baseline data to various stakeholders, including patients, doctors, drug developers, and country leaders.

17.- Precision Medicine: Aims to deliver personalized medical solutions based on a comprehensive understanding of individual immune responses.

18.- Healthcare Disparities: Works to close health disparities by ensuring diverse representation in research and data collection.

19.- AI Partners: Seeks collaborations with AI partners to build and refine the immune system models.

20.- Quantum Computing: Explores quantum computing partnerships to handle complex data sets and variables.

21.- Ethical Standards: Sets international guidelines for ethical data collection and sharing, emphasizing informed consent.

22.- AI in Medicine: Projects major advancements in medicine driven by AI and comprehensive immune system data.

23.- Global Health Impact: Anticipates significant improvements in global health and healthcare efficiency through collaborative efforts.

24.- Educational Integration: Emphasizes the need to integrate advances in immunology and precision medicine into medical education.

25.- Public Awareness: Advocates for public and professional awareness of new medical tools and technologies to drive demand and implementation.

26.- Tool Utility: Stresses the importance of utility and accessibility of new tools for their integration into medical practice.

27.- Stakeholder Engagement: Involves diverse stakeholders in the development and application of the Human Immunome Project’s findings.

28.- Open Access: Commits to open-source data sharing to ensure equal access for researchers and institutions globally.

29.- Healthcare Policy: Supports healthcare policy development based on comprehensive immune system data for better health outcomes.

30.- Project Vision: Aims to change medicine fundamentally by decoding the human immune system and enabling precise, personalized medical care.

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