Knowledge Vault 4 /71 - AI For Good 2022
Exploring AI in the Metaverse
Robin Raskin
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef main fill:#f9f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:16px classDef Market fill:#d4e6f1, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef Blockchain fill:#d5f5e3, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef Technologies fill:#f9e79f, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef Promotion fill:#f5c6cb, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef Interoperability fill:#fadbd8, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef Social_Government fill:#f4d03f, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef Use_Cases fill:#d4e6f1, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef Concerns fill:#d5f5e3, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Exploring AI in
the Metaverse] A --> B[Metaverse Market:
Huge size, job openings 1] A --> C[Blockchain-Based:
Immutable transaction
records 4] A --> D[Enabling Technologies:
converging 8] A --> E[Brand Promotion:
Linked to
real-world products 11] A --> F[Interoperability:
Travel between
metaverses 15] A --> G[Social Responsibility:
Aligned with SDGs 19] A --> H[Concerns:
Cybersecurity, harassment,
synthetic humans 29] B --> I[Chief Innovation Officers:
Working on government metaverse 2] B --> J[Cost Savings:
Planning sustainable cities 3] C --> K[Decentralized:
No single owner 5] C --> L[Bridge Worlds:
Digital and physical integration 6] C --> M[Digital Twins:
Key for interoperability 7] D --> N[Real Utility:
Proof of ownership,
gaming engines 9] D --> O[Metaverse Spending:
Real money on
digital clothing 10] E --> P[Leading Industries:
Fashion, entertainment,
digital items 12] E --> Q[Roblox Aging:
Concerts, merchandise,
VIP seating 13] E --> R[Sandbox Currency:
Real architects,
stored assets 14] F --> S[NFTs Utility:
Perks at hotels,
restaurants 16] G --> T[Accentures Nth Floor:
Virtual collaboration
space 20] G --> U[Government Participation:
Metaverse spaces
for services 21] H --> V[Regulation Challenges:
Web 3.0 requires
new laws 30] subgraph Use_Cases V --> W[Metaverse Embassy:
Economic goals,
embassy services 22] V --> X[Digital Twins Factories:
Prototyping, testing
assembly lines 23] V --> Y[Selling Metaverse Land:
Linked to
physical locations 24] V --> Z[Military Training:
Scenarios before
real-life missions 25] V --> AA[Enhanced Education:
Immersive, virtual
learning experiences 26] V --> AB[Metaverse Healthcare:
Basic telehealth,
advanced peripherals 27] V --> AC[Bypass Bureaucracy:
Increase global presence 28] end class A main class B Market class C Blockchain class D Technologies class E Promotion class F Interoperability class G Social_Government class H Concerns class V Use_Cases


1.- The metaverse market size and job openings are huge. Betting on a future job in the metaverse is a good move.

2.- Top 10 U.S. cities have chief innovation officers working on government metaverse outposts.

3.- Metaverse promises cost and time savings for individuals and cities. Scenarios for planning sustainable cities are amazing.

4.- Metaverses will be based on blockchain for immutable transaction records. Sustainability issues are being addressed.

5.- Metaverses will be decentralized - no single entity like Zuckerberg or Jamie Dimon will own and dictate the rules.

6.- The metaverse will bridge the digital and physical worlds for the first time, unlike previous versions of the internet.

7.- Digital twins and interoperability between metaverse worlds will be key features.

8.- Enabling technologies like cloud computing, AI/ML, XR/AR/VR are converging to power the metaverse, similar to wearables revolution.

9.- Items owned in the metaverse will have real utility and proof of ownership. Most are built on gaming engines.

10.- Avatars in metaverses like Decentraland spend real money (Ethereum) to outfit themselves in expensive digital clothing.

11.- Brands like Estée Lauder and Tommy Hilfiger are promoting products in the metaverse linked to real-world offerings.

12.- Beauty, fashion, concerts and entertainment industries are at the forefront of the metaverse. Digital items cost substantial money.

13.- Roblox is aging up with its audience, offering concerts, merchandise, VIP seating like the real world but in the metaverse.

14.- Sandbox, a Decentraland competitor, has its own currency. People hire real architects to design metaverse buildings. Assets can be stored.

15.- Interoperability allows traveling between metaverses. A Gucci bag bought in Decentraland could be brought to Sandbox.

16.- NFTs like Bored Apes provide real-world utility and perks at luxury hotels, restaurants. Blurring of digital and physical.

17.- Meta's (Facebook's) vision is VR-based for replacing offices with "work from anywhere", but requires VR glasses which limits accessibility.

18.- JP Morgan has a Decentraland lounge to introduce people to the metaverse concept and host meetings.

19.- Brands are using the metaverse to promote social responsibility aligned with SDGs, such as H&M promoting recycling.

20.- Accenture built a Microsoft-based virtual collaboration space called the Nth Floor to prepare to help clients establish metaverse identities.

21.- Governments like Singapore and Seoul are creating participatory metaverse spaces to complement real-world functions and services.

22.- Barbados launched the first metaverse embassy to further economic goals and provide embassy services, being unable to afford physical embassies everywhere.

23.- Digital twin concept applies to factory floors - prototyping and testing assembly lines in the metaverse is cheaper than physical.

24.- The Bahamas and Dubai are selling metaverse land linked to physical locations.

25.- U.S. military heavily uses metaverse for training fighter pilots in all scenarios before ever entering a real plane.

26.- Education is greatly enhanced by metaverse - immersive learning by walking through an atom, cadaver, doing virtual surgery.

27.- UAE's Ministry of Happiness created a metaverse doctor's office for basic telehealth services. More advanced peripherals are in development.

28.- Metaverse benefits include bypassing bureaucracy, increasing global presence for small countries, and user behavior feedback loops for improvement.

29.- Concerns include identifying synthetic vs real humans, heightened cybersecurity risks, and harassment/bullying, especially for children.

30.- Regulation has not caught up to Web 2.0 yet, and Web 3.0/metaverse will present a whole new set of regulatory challenges.

Knowledge Vault built byDavid Vivancos 2024