Knowledge Vault 4 /67 - AI For Good 2021
Innovation Factory Grand Finale 2021
Josh Choi et al
< Resume Image >
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef main fill:#f9f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef finale fill:#ffcc99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef innovation fill:#ccff99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef participants fill:#99ccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef prediction fill:#ff99cc, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef judges fill:#ccccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef support fill:#ffccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef ride fill:#cc99ff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef doctor fill:#f9cc99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef kettle fill:#99ccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef talof fill:#99ffcc, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef afya fill:#ff99ff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef awards fill:#ccffcc, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef future fill:#99ff99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Innovation Factory Grand
Finale 2021] A --> B[AI for Good
Innovation Factory
Grand Finale. 1] B --> C[Josh Choi
moderates grand
finale. 1] B --> D[ITU organizes AI
for Good
Summit. 2] B --> E[Innovation Factory offers
prizes, investments.
3] B --> F[Scholl welcomes participants,
growing community.
4] B --> G[Predicting tech impact
difficult, finalists
help. 5] A --> H[Judges and Support] H --> I[Judges represent
prize-offering organizations.
6] H --> J[Rens Capital excited
about Innovation
Factory. 7] H --> K[Gorilla Corporation provides
consulting, platform.
8] H --> L[Totaro Breda collaborates
for AI
innovation. 9] H --> M[AWS gives cloud
service credits.
10] H --> N[Additional prizes:
marketing, advisory
support. 11] A --> O[Ride Safely] O --> P[Tests autonomous
driving software.
12] O --> Q[Targets $64B
automotive market.
13] O --> R[Has contracts,
data agreements.
14] A --> S[Doctor On Call] S --> T[Digital health
platform. 15] S --> U[Multi-lingual, 40
hospitals. 16] S --> V[Freemium subscription
model. 17] A --> W[Kettle] W --> X[Reshapes $400B
reinsurance industry.
18] W --> Y[Predicted 14
largest wildfires.
19] W --> Z[Matches reinsurance
clients, providers.
20] A --> AA[Talof Studio] AA --> AB[Apps for blind,
deaf. 21] AA --> AC[Unique features,
direct searches.
22] AA --> AD[Partners with accessibility
23] A --> AE[Afya Rekod] AE --> AF[Captures health
data in Africa.
24] AE --> AG[AI, blockchain
for healthcare.
25] AE --> AH[Affordable model,
expanding countries.
26] A --> AI[Awards and Future] AI --> AJ[Audience voted
Talof Studio
top pick. 27] AI --> AK[Judges selected Doctor
On Call
winner. 28] AI --> AL[Lee highlights startup-led
importance. 29] AI --> AM[Innovation Factory to
upgrade next
year. 30] class A,B,C,D,E,F,G finale class H,I,J,K,L,M,N judges class O,P,Q,R ride class S,T,U,V doctor class W,X,Y,Z kettle class AA,AB,AC,AD talof class AE,AF,AG,AH afya class AI,AJ,AK,AL,AM awards


1.- Josh Choi from ITU moderates the AI for Good Innovation Factory grand finale with 5 finalists from 39 countries.

2.- ITU, the UN agency for ICTs, organizes the AI for Good Global Summit with 33 UN agencies and Switzerland.

3.- The Innovation Factory, launched last year under the AI for Good Global Summit, offers prizes, investments, mentoring, and cloud credits.

4.- Reinhard Scholl, Deputy Director of ITU's Standardization Bureau, welcomes participants and notes the growing AI for Good community.

5.- Predicting the future impact of technology is difficult, but the finalists' solutions may help build a better future.

6.- The 3 judges represent organizations offering prizes: Stephan Ibaraki (Rens Capital), Carlo Gola (Gorrila Corp), Sarah Storeili (AWS).

7.- Rens Capital is embedded in deal flow and countries, excited about the AI for Good Innovation Factory program.

8.- Gorilla Corporation, a global go-to-market firm, will provide consulting and an enterprise collaboration platform to the winner.

9.- The Totaro Breda Institute conducts multi-stakeholder collaboration to make the world better through AI innovation. The winner can participate.

10.- AWS provides cloud service credits as prizes - $6,000 for 1st place, $3,400 for 2nd place. Sarah Storeili oversees AWS programs.

11.- Additional prizes include marketing/advisory support from Gorilla and Totaro Breda, due diligence from Rens Capital's investor network.

12.- Ride Safely uses AI to test the safety of driving software, identify vulnerabilities, and improve reliability for autonomous vehicles.

13.- Ride Safely targets the $64B automotive market, with plans to expand to other industries like healthcare.

14.- Ride Safely has a team with auto tech and AI expertise, and has pilot contracts and data agreements in place.

15.- Doctor On Call is a digital health platform that thrived during the pandemic by enabling virtual doctor consultations.

16.- Doctor On Call is multi-lingual and localized for Southeast Asia. It has onboarded 40 hospitals and 120,000 patients so far.

17.- Doctor On Call uses a freemium subscription model charging $5-15 per patient annually. It has strategic partnerships in the ecosystem.

18.- Kettle uses deep learning to reshape the $400B reinsurance industry and better predict climate change catastrophes like wildfires.

19.- Kettle's model predicted the 14 largest 2020 California wildfires. It analyzes more data points than industry norms.

20.- Kettle acts as a marketplace to match reinsurance clients and capital providers. It's targeting a $300B serviceable market.

21.- Talof Studio develops AI-powered assistive apps for the blind and deaf that work offline in real-time in 48 languages.

22.- Talof Studio's apps have unique features compared to Google and Microsoft. Downloads come from direct searches by disabled users.

23.- Talof aims to partner with organizations on accessibility. Its team includes persons with disabilities to build effective solutions.

24.- Afya Rekod is a patient-driven platform to capture, store and access health data in Kenya and other African countries.

25.- Afya Rekod uses AI/blockchain to bridge gaps when patients seek care across fragmented systems. It helped COVID response in Mombasa.

26.- Afya Rekod offers an affordable $5-15 per patient per year model in Kenya. It's expanding to Nigeria, South Africa and Cameroon.

27.- The audience voted Talof Studio as their top pick. An interview and blog post will highlight their solution.

28.- The judges selected Doctor On Call as the winner and Kettle as 2nd place. They gave acceptance speeches.

29.- ITU Director Chaesub Lee congratulated the startups and highlighted the growing importance of startup-led innovation for the SDGs.

30.- The AI for Good Innovation Factory will be upgraded next year with more structured support to help startups make an impact.

Knowledge Vault built byDavid Vivancos 2024