Knowledge Vault 4 /54 - AI For Good 2020
Building a world of abundance with AI for Good
Peter H. Diamandis et al
< Resume Image >
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef main fill:#f9f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef intro fill:#ffcc99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef mindset fill:#ccff99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef innovations fill:#99ccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef challenges fill:#ff99cc, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef diversity fill:#ccccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef platform fill:#ffccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Building a world
of abundance with
AI for Good] A --> B[Introduction
and Goals] B --> B1[AI for Good
Global Summit
introduced. 1] B --> B2[Summit aims
to advance SDGs. 2] B --> B3[AI for Good
projects generated. 3] B --> B4[Simon Pierros
rewarded efforts. 4] B --> B5[Global impact of
AI discussed. 5] B --> B6[Keynote on AI
for world abundance. 6] A --> C[Mindset
and Potential] C --> C1[Importance of
abundance mindset. 7] C --> C2[Technology can turn
scarcity into abundance. 8] C --> C3[AI to meet
humanitys needs. 9] C --> C4[Teams can solve
global problems. 10] A --> D[Innovations
and Collaborations] D --> D1[XPRIZE explores
annual visioneering. 11] D --> D2[Future of food
track introduced. 12] D --> D3[Tech enabling
resilient food systems. 13] D --> D4[Pandemic reshaped
food systems. 14] D --> D5[One Planet. One Health
framework. 15] D --> D6[AI for personalized
nutrition. 16] A --> E[Challenges
and Principles] E --> E1[AI challenges for
circular food systems. 17] E --> E2[Principles for inclusive,
equitable solutions. 18] E --> E3[Pandemic intelligence:
data issues discussed. 19] E --> E4[AI empowers public
health decision-making. 20] E --> E5[Azure enables
privacy-preserving data sharing. 21] E --> E6[AI and Data for Good
Alliance. 22] A --> F[Diversity
and Inclusion] F --> F1[Gender diversity
in AI data. 23] F --> F2[GenderNet initiative
to eliminate bias. 24] F --> F3[Gender data gap
dangers highlighted. 25] F --> F4[Partnership system
framework for gender. 26] F --> F5[Gender fairness
benchmarks needed. 27] F --> F6[ITU supports
GenderNet initiative. 28] A --> G[Platform
and Collaboration] G --> G1[AI for Good
platform expanded. 29] G --> G2[Collaboration ensures AI
benefits humanity. 30] class A main class B,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6 intro class C,C1,C2,C3,C4 mindset class D,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5,D6 innovations class E,E1,E2,E3,E4,E5,E6 challenges class F,F1,F2,F3,F4,F5,F6 diversity class G,G1,G2 platform


1.- Frederick introduced the AI for Good Global Summit organized by ITU, XPRIZE, UN organizations, ACM, and co-convened with Switzerland.

2.- The summit aims to identify practical AI applications to advance the SDGs and scale solutions for global impact.

3.- Breakthrough tracks connected AI innovators with problem owners to generate AI for Good projects over the past 10 days.

4.- Magician Simon Pierro performed a special show as a reward for the hard work over the 10 days.

5.- Amir Banifatemi of XPRIZE moderated the last day focused on the global impact of AI on humanity and society.

6.- Peter Diamandis gave the keynote on building a world of abundance with AI for Good.

7.- Diamandis emphasized the importance of mindset, including abundance, exponential, longevity, purpose-driven, moonshot, and gratitude mindsets.

8.- He believes there is no problem that can't be solved and we can turn scarcity into abundance through technology.

9.- AI is a key enabling force to abundantly meet humanity's needs in areas like healthcare, education, water, food, and housing.

10.- Small passionate teams pursuing their massively transformative purpose can solve the world's biggest problems.

11.- XPRIZE is exploring an annual global visioneering process to crowdsource solutions to urgent threats not being addressed.

12.- Caroline Kolta introduced the breakthroughs on the future of food and food revolution track.

13.- Nigyar Makhmudova from Danone discussed the importance of food systems and how tech and AI are enabling resilient solutions.

14.- The pandemic was a wake-up call to redesign food systems to coexist with nature while meeting nutritional needs.

15.- Danone's "One Planet. One Health" framework emphasizes consumer food choices impact the world we live in.

16.- AI enables personalized nutrition, alternative proteins, regenerative agriculture and other solutions to transform food systems.

17.- XPRIZE and Danone announced a collaboration to launch a series of AI challenges for circular food systems.

18.- Three core principles will guide the challenges - inclusive/equitable, nourishing/desirable, and regenerative/resilient. Collaboration is critical for systemic change.

19.- Andrew Tatarsky summarized the collective pandemic intelligence track which surfaced common issues around data access, sharing, privacy and interoperability.

20.- AI has significant potential to empower public health decision-making and inform individual well-being in pandemics.

21.- Microsoft's Vikas Bhatia discussed Azure confidential computing to enable privacy-preserving data sharing and collaboration for AI solutions development.

22.- XPRIZE announced the upcoming launch of an AI and Data for Good Alliance to cultivate tangible solutions through data and AI.

23.- Anousheh Ansari discussed the gender breakthrough track and the historical lack of diversity and inclusion in data used for AI.

24.- She announced the GenderNet initiative to create the most comprehensive, diverse, unbiased and ethically-sourced datasets to eliminate gender bias in AI.

25.- Caroline Criado Perez emphasized the dangers of the gender data gap getting baked into and amplified by AI systems.

26.- Riane Eisler advocated for a new "partnership system" framework of gender conceptualization so both men and women can be fully human.

27.- Francesca Rossi highlighted the need for gender fairness benchmarks and tools to detect and mitigate gender bias throughout AI development.

28.- Reinhard Scholl of ITU expressed support for the GenderNet initiative and offered to contribute ITU's network and expertise to the effort.

29.- The AI for Good platform has grown into extensive year-round programming including webinars, challenges, startup pitches and artistic explorations.

30.- Collaboration and shared sense of purpose are key to ensure AI benefits all of humanity as we emerge from the pandemic.

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