Knowledge Vault 4 /51 - AI For Good 2020
Improving disaster response at the edge and in pandemics
Grace Kitzmiller
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef main fill:#f9f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef summit fill:#ffcc99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef aws fill:#ccff99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef dataAI fill:#99ccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef health fill:#ff99cc, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef research fill:#ccccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef sensor fill:#ffccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef collaboration fill:#cc99ff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Improving disaster response
at the edge
and in pandemics] A --> B[Global Summit
and Disaster Management] B --> B1[AI for Good
Global Summit. 1] B --> B2[Disasters affect millions,
$232B damages. 2] B --> B3[ICT enhances disaster
preparedness, response. 3] A --> C[AWS and
Disaster Response] C --> C1[Hurricane Dorian,
AWS Snowball Edge. 4] C --> C2[AWS Snowball Edge:
portable cloud device. 5] C --> C3[AWS Disaster Response
Program. 6] C --> C4[AWS technical
volunteer deployment. 7] A --> D[Data and AI
in Disasters] D --> D1[COVID-19 data
analytics. 8] D --> D2[Machine learning for
disaster management. 9] D --> D3[Business continuity
during pandemics. 10] D --> D4[Telehealth, remote
patient monitoring. 11] A --> E[AI and
Health Sector] E --> E1[Amazon Connect for
disaster call volumes. 12] E --> E2[Amazon Lex chatbots
for COVID-19. 13] E --> E3[WHO Academy
app support. 14] E --> E4[Babylon Healths
comprehensive care assistant. 15] E --> E5[Dr. Anywheres
telehealth platform. 16] A --> F[Research
and Preparedness] F --> F1[Accelerating bioinformatics
research. 17] F --> F2[Diagnostic Development
Initiative. 18] F --> F3[Preparedness: inventory
resources, remote access. 19] F --> F4[Use of open data
for analytics. 20] A --> G[Sensor Integration
and ML Applications] G --> G1[Sensor data integration
for awareness. 21] G --> G2[Managed ML services
like Comprehend. 22] G --> G3[Call center efficiency
with Amazon Connect. 23] G --> G4[Community outreach
via chatbots. 24] A --> H[Collaboration
and Security] H --> H1[Government collaboration
for scalable services. 25] H --> H2[Enhancing research collaboration
with AWS. 26] H --> H3[Data security: encryption,
access controls. 27] H --> H4[Proactive planning
for future scenarios. 28] A --> I[Humanitarian and
AI for Health] I --> I1[Humanitarian tech
partnerships. 29] I --> I2[ITU AI for Health
focus group. 30] class A main class B,B1,B2,B3 summit class C,C1,C2,C3,C4 aws class D,D1,D2,D3,D4 dataAI class E,E1,E2,E3,E4,E5 health class F,F1,F2,F3,F4 research class G,G1,G2,G3,G4 sensor class H,H1,H2,H3,H4 collaboration class I,I1,I2 humanitarian


1.- Global Summit Introduction: The AI for Good Global Summit, organized by ITU, XPrize, and other partners, aims to apply AI for sustainable development goals globally.

2.- Disaster Impact: Natural and man-made disasters annually affect millions, with economic damages in 2019 estimated at $232 billion, necessitating comprehensive disaster management.

3.- Role of ICT in Disaster Management: Information and communication technologies (ICT) enhance disaster preparedness and response, with ITU leading standards and best practices sharing.

4.- Hurricane Dorian Case Study: AWS and used AWS Snowball Edge devices during Hurricane Dorian for rapid aerial imagery processing to aid disaster response in the Bahamas.

5.- AWS Snowball Edge: A portable, ruggedized device that brings cloud capabilities to the field, supporting data storage, processing, and analytics in disconnected environments.

6.- AWS Disaster Response Program: AWS assists NGOs, nonprofits, and governments in disaster resilience, leveraging technology and expert volunteers to address infrastructure and technology challenges.

7.- Volunteer Deployment: AWS deploys trained technical volunteers for disaster response, offering support in areas like networking, situational awareness, and edge computing.

8.- COVID-19 Data and Analytics: AWS supports organizations in aggregating, analyzing, and visualizing data using data lakes and machine learning to enhance decision-making during crises.

9.- Machine Learning and AI in Disasters: AWS applies machine learning to predict and manage disaster impacts, enabling organizations to respond faster and more effectively.

10.- Business Continuity During Pandemics: AWS helped businesses and schools scale infrastructure for remote work and learning, ensuring continuity during COVID-19 lockdowns.

11.- Health Sector Support: AWS facilitated telehealth and remote patient monitoring, alleviating pressure on hospitals and providing critical healthcare services during the pandemic.

12.- Amazon Connect: AWS’s omnichannel cloud contact center solution, Amazon Connect, was deployed rapidly to manage increased call volumes during disasters like Hurricane Harvey.

13.- Triage Chatbots: Amazon Lex-powered chatbots were used by health organizations to handle COVID-19 inquiries, providing symptom checks and information, reducing strain on healthcare providers.

14.- WHO Academy App: AWS supported the WHO Academy app, providing healthcare workers globally with COVID-19 training and resources through scalable cloud infrastructure.

15.- Babylon Health Integration: Babylon Health used AWS to offer a comprehensive COVID-19 care assistant, integrating symptom checking, telemedicine, and consultation escalation, easing NHS workload.

16.- Dr. Anywhere Telehealth: Dr. Anywhere’s telehealth platform scaled on AWS to meet increased demand, providing virtual consultations, medication delivery, and access to healthcare records.

17.- Accelerating Research: AWS enabled faster bioinformatics research by providing scalable compute and storage for machine learning model development, crucial for COVID-19 diagnostics.

18.- Diagnostic Development Initiative: AWS launched an initiative supporting researchers in developing reliable COVID-19 diagnostics, such as UBC’s AI model for diagnosing COVID-19 via CT scans.

19.- Preparedness is Key: Emphasizing the importance of preparedness, AWS advises organizations to inventory resources and plan for remote access to critical data and applications.

20.- Use of Open Data: AWS’s open data program offers geospatial and population data for disaster management, aiding organizations in predictive analytics and response planning.

21.- Sensor Data Integration: AWS Snowball Edge devices integrate various sensor data to provide situational awareness, crucial in disconnected environments during disasters.

22.- Machine Learning Applications: AWS offers managed machine learning services, like Amazon Comprehend and Forecast, enabling organizations to utilize AI without deep expertise.

23.- Call Center Efficiency: AWS solutions, like Amazon Connect and Lex, streamline call center operations, enabling rapid setup and handling increased demand during crises.

24.- Community Outreach: AWS supports chatbot and symptom checker implementations, enhancing community outreach and information dissemination during health crises.

25.- Collaboration with Governments: AWS collaborates with governments to provide scalable infrastructure for critical services, such as online education and healthcare during COVID-19.

26.- Enhancing Research Collaboration: Tools like AWS Service Workbench facilitate secure, cloud-based research collaboration, accelerating scientific discoveries in fields like genomics.

27.- Data Security: AWS ensures data security through encryption and access controls, particularly important for sensitive information collected during disaster response.

28.- Future Preparedness: AWS encourages proactive planning for uncertain future scenarios, integrating climate change and sustainability considerations into disaster preparedness.

29.- Humanitarian Partnerships: AWS partners with humanitarian organizations to deploy technology solutions, enhancing disaster response capabilities globally.

30.- AI for Health Focus Group: ITU’s AI for Health focus group benchmarks AI solutions against medical standards, inviting collaboration to improve AI-driven health diagnostics.

Knowledge Vault built byDavid Vivancos 2024