Knowledge Vault 4 /42 - AI For Good 2020
AI for Multisensory Experiences
Marianna Obrist & Carlos Velasco
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef main fill:#f9f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef multisensory fill:#ffcc99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef aiAugmentation fill:#ccff99, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef entertainment fill:#99ccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef risks fill:#ff99cc, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef design fill:#ccccff, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[AI for Multisensory
Experiences] A --> B[Multisensory Interfaces
and Experiences] B --> B1[Mariana Obrist:
multi-sensory interfaces professor. 1] B --> B2[Carlos Velasco:
multi-sensory experiences professor. 2] B --> B3[Challenge: quality data
on multi-sensory experiences. 3] B --> B4[Book: Multi-sensory
Experiences by Obrist, Velasco. 4] A --> C[AI Augmentation
and Applications] C --> C1[AI can augment
human senses responsibly. 5] C --> C2[Personalized experiences
in healthcare. 6] C --> C3[AI for multi-sensory
eating experiences. 7] C --> C4[AI in space travel
for personalized meals. 8] C --> C5[Challenge: representative data,
diverse populations. 9] A --> D[Entertainment
and Conceptualization] D --> D1[NLP for understanding
human experiences. 10] D --> D2[Adding smell, taste
to movies. 11] D --> D3[4DX cinema integrating
multi-sensory effects. 12] D --> D4[Philosophical debate:
real vs. prefabricated experiences. 13] D --> D5[Ethical questions
around created experiences. 14] A --> E[Risks
and Opportunities] E --> E1[AI in multi-sensory VR,
ethical considerations. 15] E --> E2[Risks: security vulnerabilities,
data biases. 16] E --> E3[Sensory AI for healthy
lifestyle choices. 17] E --> E4[Use case: analyzing peace-evoking
monuments. 18] E --> E5[Accessibility: conveying
visuals to blind. 19] A --> F[Design
and Implementation] F --> F1[Thoughtful design for
multi-sensory applications. 20] class A main class B,B1,B2,B3,B4 multisensory class C,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5 aiAugmentation class D,D1,D2,D3,D4,D5 entertainment class E,E1,E2,E3,E4,E5 risks class F,F1 design


1.- Mariana Obrist is a professor studying multi-sensory interfaces at University College London, focusing on touch, taste and smell as novel interaction modalities.

2.- Carlos Velasco is an associate professor at BI Norwegian Business School studying multi-sensory experiences at the intersection of psychology, marketing and HCI.

3.- A key challenge is collecting quality data on multi-sensory experiences that preserves the subjectiveness and doesn't lose meaning through predictive models.

4.- Mariana and Carlos recently released a book called "Multi-sensory Experiences: Where the Senses Meet Technology" defining and exploring the topic.

5.- AI can augment human senses and experiences in both positive and negative ways. Responsible development considering broader perspectives is important.

6.- Potential applications include personalized experiences in healthcare for students, the elderly, or those isolated to increase quality of life and well-being.

7.- Food is a key area where AI can integrate data across the senses to understand and tweak multi-sensory eating experiences.

8.- In space travel, AI could learn individual food preferences over time to personalize meals and provide comforting "memory bites" of Earth.

9.- Challenges include getting representative data across diverse populations, combining quantitative stimulus data with qualitative experience data, and centering the human perspective.

10.- Studying written descriptions of experiences in books and articles using NLP can provide insights on how we conceptualize aspects of human experience.

11.- For the entertainment industry, integrating additional senses like smell and taste into movies has been a long-time vision with technical challenges.

12.- 4DX cinema is making progress in meaningfully integrating wind, temperature and other sensations, but still lacks personalization to individual perceptual differences.

13.- A key question is the philosophical debate on what constitutes "real" experiences versus prefabricated ones, especially as technology can increasingly hack perception.

14.- Multi-sensory experiences already alter our perception of reality to some degree. The key ethical question is around the intentions behind created experiences.

15.- AI enables faster creation of multi-sensory virtual reality experiences, but careful consideration is needed around data sources, intentions, and setting limits.

16.- Potential risks include security vulnerabilities allowing experiences to be maliciously altered, as well as AI propagating biases from non-representative data.

17.- Sensory AI could potentially encourage healthy and eco-friendly lifestyle choices by engaging multiple senses, similar to fitness trackers for physical health.

18.- An example use case is analyzing monuments worldwide to identify features evoking peace, to inform design of monuments supporting reconciliation in post-conflict Colombia.

19.- Multi-sensory AI also has opportunities for accessibility, such as conveying visual information to the blind through touch and smell for enhanced learning.

20.- While there are many opportunities, multi-sensory experiences don't need to be applied to everything - thoughtful design considering meaning and value is important.

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