Knowledge Vault 4 /25 - AI For Good 2019
Leading the AI revolution
Jim Hagemann Snabe
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef aiForGood fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef digitalRevolution fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef aiImpact fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef challenges fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef industrialAI fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Leading the AI
revolution] --> B[Discuss AI for good,
act now. 1] A --> C[Digital revolution began
in 1989. 2] A --> D[Events drove value creation,
AI development. 3] A --> E[AI promising but dangerous
China investing. 4] A --> F[AI mainly used for
targeted advertising. 5] A --> G[Risks polarizing world,
concentrating value. 6] A --> H[Use AI for UN
global problems. 7] H --> I[Challenges: hunger, healthcare,
clean energy, inequality. 8] H --> J[Solve problems by scaling
innovative solutions. 9] A --> K[AI enables sustainable
energy management. 10] K --> L[AI manages resources, optimizes
transportation, reduces waste. 11] A --> M[Avoid overuse, maintain
privacy, control. 12] A --> N[Lead technology to solve
desired problems. 13] A --> O[Focus R&D, build infrastructure,
enable data sharing. 14] A --> P[AI must empower,
not replace humans. 15] A --> Q[Align on trusted AI principles,
measure systems. 16] A --> R[Industrial AI is
a significant opportunity. 17] R --> S[Accelerate SDG solutions
using industrial AI. 18] A --> T[Technology can solve
global problems. 19] A --> U[Responsible path ensures opportunities
for everyone. 20] class A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U aiForGood class H,I,J challenges class K,L industrialAI class N,O aiImpact class R,S industrialAI


1.- It's an important time to discuss AI for good and act on it, as there are both opportunities and risks ahead.

2.- The digital revolution started in 1989 with the World Wide Web in Geneva and the fall of the Berlin Wall.

3.- These events propelled value creation, took people out of poverty, and enabled the AI developments we are discussing today.

4.- AI is promising but also has dangers. China alone is investing $18 billion in AI in 2019 which is impressive but concerning.

5.- So far, AI is mainly being used to understand consumer preferences for targeted advertising, fashion trends, and personalized news.

6.- This risks polarizing the world by showing people only information aligned with their interests. It concentrates value in few hands.

7.- Instead, AI should be used to solve real global problems like the UN Sustainable Development Goals.

8.- Huge challenges remain in areas like hunger, healthcare access, affordable clean energy, inequality, and climate change.

9.- By applying existing technologies intelligently today, most of these problems could be solved by identifying and scaling innovative solutions.

10.- For example, AI can enable sustainable energy systems by managing the unpredictable supply and demand of renewables.

11.- AI is needed to manage resources in rapidly urbanizing cities, optimize transportation, and reduce food waste in supply chains.

12.- The solutions exist, but we need to avoid using the technologies too little to solve problems or too much that we lose privacy and control.

13.- We can't let technology lead us - we must responsibly lead technology to solve the problems we want to solve.

14.- This requires 1) focusing R&D on relevant problems, 2) building necessary infrastructure like 5G, and 3) enabling secure data sharing across geographies.

15.- AI systems then need to be designed with trust, accountability, and the goal of empowering rather than replacing humans.

16.- Trusted AI principles are emerging in the EU and OECD. We need to align on them and measure systems against them.

17.- Industrial AI - using data from things vs luring it from consumers - is the biggest opportunity, especially for Europe.

18.- It's time to accelerate solutions for the SDGs using industrial AI, even though there are greater security and privacy challenges.

19.- The world has become more divided as people fear the future, but technology gives an unprecedented opportunity to solve global problems.

20.- We need to take a fast, responsible path so opportunities exist for everyone, not just a few. That's what responsible leadership requires today.

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