Knowledge Vault 4 /22 - AI For Good 2019
Robotics for Good
Harry Kloor et al
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef kloor fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef kondos fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef meier fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef herbert fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef scheutz fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[Robotics for Good] --> B[Kloor: robotic avatars
enable remote work. 1] A --> C[Avatars move expertise
without travel. 2] A --> D[Beyond Imagination: humans
inhabit robotic bodies. 3] D --> E[Tech leaders: avatar tech
transformative industry. 4] D --> F[Avatars enable remote services,
education, work. 5] D --> G[Avatar XPRIZE: teams develop
functional avatars. 6] A --> H[Kondos: wearable robotics
augment human body. 7] H --> I[MetaLimbs: robotic arm
controlled by legs. 8] H --> J[Robotic tail assists
with balance. 9] H --> K[Avatar system: elderly woman
attends wedding. 10] H --> L[FUSION project: humanoid
robot on shoulder. 11] A --> M[Meier: diversity crucial
for robotics/AI impact. 12] M --> N[Silicon Valley drone company
failed community. 13] M --> O[WeRobotics: local experts run
impactful projects. 14] O --> P[Cargo drones, disaster assessment,
AI for dengue. 15] M --> Q[Decolonize robotics for good,
empower locals. 16] M --> R[WeRobotics helps launch
local autonomous companies. 17] A --> S[Herbert: advanced modular
robotics research. 18] S --> T[Snake robot for search
and rescue. 19] S --> U[Modular robotics: non-experts
construct custom robots. 20] S --> V[CMU: drone, robot imaging
for smart agriculture. 21] A --> W[Human-aware AI: robots interpret
human behavior. 22] W --> X[AI inferred paralyzed womans
intent for robot. 23] A --> Y[Scheutz: future robots
must be ethical. 24] Y --> Z[Robots must learn,
share knowledge. 25] Y --> AA[Ethical robots follow norms,
justify choices. 26] Y --> AB[Demo: robot learns,
retrieves new object. 27] Y --> AC[Demo: robot learns,
teaches exercise. 28] Y --> AD[Demo: robot respects norms,
explains actions. 29] A --> AE[Taskable, ethical robots
integrate into society. 30] class A,B,C,D,E,F,G kloor class H,I,J,K,L kondos class M,N,O,P,Q,R meier class S,T,U,V herbert class W,X scheutz class Y,Z,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE scheutz


1.- Harry Kloor introduced the idea of using human-controlled robotic avatars to enable remote work, learning, and assistance anywhere in the world.

2.- Kloor believes avatar robotics could help address global challenges by moving human expertise to where it's needed without physical travel.

3.- Beyond Imagination, Kloor's company, aims to develop a platform allowing humans to inhabit robotic bodies and "teleport" their consciousness anywhere.

4.- Ray Kurzweil and other tech leaders believe Beyond Imagination's avatar technology could become a transformative industry on par with smartphones and the internet.

5.- Kloor sees avatars enabling prosperity by allowing people to obtain services, education, and work opportunities regardless of their physical location.

6.- An Avatar XPRIZE sponsored by ANA is currently underway with teams competing to develop functional avatar robotics technologies.

7.- Dr. Kamen Kondos, Assistant Professor at Keio University, discussed his work on developing wearable robotics to augment and empower the human body.

8.- One of Kondos' projects, MetaLimbs, gives users a robotic additional arm they control with their legs and feet to assist with tasks.

9.- Another project by Kondos is a biomimetic robotic tail worn by a human to study how it could assist with balance.

10.- Kondos also works on avatar robotics, including a system enabling a hospitalized elderly woman to virtually attend her grandson's wedding.

11.- The FUSION project puts a miniature humanoid robot on a person's shoulder, allowing a remote operator to assist them.

12.- Patrick Meier, CEO of WeRobotics, argued that diversity and inclusion of developing nations is crucial for positive global impact of robotics/AI.

13.- Meier described how a Silicon Valley drone delivery company failed to serve communities lacking 3G, furthering inequity.

14.- WeRobotics focuses on enabling local experts in developing countries to found and run impactful robotics projects tailored to community needs.

15.- Examples included cargo drones for medical supply delivery, equipment for rapid disaster damage assessment, and using AI to reduce dengue fever.

16.- Meier emphasized the importance of decolonizing the "robotics for good" space and shifting power to diverse local changemakers.

17.- WeRobotics has helped launch autonomous robotics companies by local entrepreneurs in developing countries, moving up the value chain.

18.- Prof. Manuela Herbert of CMU discussed advanced robotics research, including modular robotics enabling adaptability and accessibility of robotic solutions.

19.- CMU is developing a snake robot for search & rescue and an ultra-thin robotic endoscope to enable incisionless surgeries.

20.- Modular "plug & play" robotics could allow non-experts to construct custom robots, like how software libraries enable easier programming today.

21.- CMU has projects using drone and ground robot imaging and AI to assist smart agriculture and post-disaster assessment.

22.- A key focus is on "human-aware" AI - getting robots to intelligently interpret human behavior, intent, gaze, emotion to fluidly assist people.

23.- One project enabled a paralyzed woman to dexterously control a robot arm through an AI that inferred her intent from neural signals.

24.- Prof. Matthias Scheutz of Tufts University argued future robots must be taskable, teachable, collaborative, ethical, and transparent.

25.- Robots should be instructable via natural language, learn new knowledge/skills from humans, and share knowledge with other robots.

26.- Ethical robots must understand and follow the norms of human society, reject commands that violate norms, and justify their choices.

27.- A demo showed a robot figuring out an implicit request, learning a new object from a description, and retrieving that object.

28.- Another demo had a robot learn a "squat" exercise from one human's instructions, then immediately teach it to another robot.

29.- A third demo showed a cleaning robot obeying a norm about not disturbing occupied rooms and explaining its reasoning.

30.- Scheutz believes robots with these capabilities of taskability, teachability, collaboration, ethics and transparency are key to beneficial integration into human society.

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