Knowledge Vault 4 /12 - AI For Good 2018
AI-Powered Moonshots - Meet the Astronauts
Liu Yang, Samantha Cristoforetti ​ and Anousheh Ansari
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Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4o | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef ansari fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef liu fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef cristoforetti fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px classDef ai fill:#e2f2d9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px A[AI-Powered Moonshots -
Meet the Astronauts] --> B[Anousheh Ansari dreamt
of becoming astronaut. 1] B --> C[Imagination creates non-existent
things, inspired by sci-fi. 2] B --> D[Moved to US, became
engineer, entrepreneur. 3] B --> E[Met Diamandis, envisioned
X Prize competition. 4] B --> F[Sponsored $10M
Ansari X Prize. 5] B --> G[26 teams spent $100M,
launched commercial spaceflight. 6] G --> H[Success led to
more X Prizes. 7] H --> I[X Prize, NASA partner
on space resources. 8] I --> J[Overcome fear of AI,
create positive future. 9] I --> K[Inspire girls to enter
STEM, become astronauts. 10] D --> L[Ansari shared space journey
video, risked life. 11] L --> M[Training: centrifuge, zero-G
flights, 2-day Soyuz ride. 12] M --> N[In space: no gravity
orientation, Earth peaceful. 13] N --> O[More space perspective
could preserve Earth. 14] A --> P[Liu Yang, first Chinese
female astronaut, Shenzhou 9. 15] P --> Q[Liu performed manual docking,
astonished by Earth. 16] Q --> R[Liu floated freely,
dreamt of flying. 17] R --> S[Space risky, AI
astronauts may assist. 18] S --> T[More women joining,
China building new station. 19] A --> U[Samantha Cristoforetti, first Italian
female astronaut, ISS. 20] U --> V[Childhood: never told
cant be astronaut. 21] V --> W[Joined Air Force, combat pilot,
ESA astronaut. 22] W --> X[ISS training: 2.5 years
with partner agencies. 23] X --> Y[Launched on Soyuz,
200 experiments, spacewalks. 24] A --> Z[ISS until 2024, future
moon-orbiting station. 25] Z --> AA[Moon station enables
lunar, Mars missions. 26] Z --> AB[AI instrumental: Earth data
analysis, exploration robots. 27] AB --> AC[Robotic precursor missions:
AI navigation, geological analysis. 28] Z --> AD[AI, tech make ambitious
space programs affordable. 29] AD --> AE[Engage people, use AI,
create positive future. 30] class B,C,D,E,F,G ansari class P,Q,R,S,T liu class U,V,W,X,Y cristoforetti class Z,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE ai


1.- Anousheh Ansari grew up in Iran dreaming of becoming an astronaut, despite there being no Iranian space program.

2.- Ansari believes imagination allows humans to create things that don't exist and she was inspired by science fiction.

3.- Ansari moved to the US at 16, became an electrical engineer and entrepreneur, eventually selling her company.

4.- Ansari met Peter Diamandis who had a vision for a space innovation competition called the X Prize.

5.- Ansari became the title sponsor of the $10M Ansari X Prize for reaching space twice in two weeks.

6.- 26 teams competed, spending over $100M. The X Prize helped launch the commercial spaceflight industry.

7.- The success led to more X Prizes. The Google Lunar X Prize for moon rovers is ongoing.

8.- X Prize is partnering with NASA on prizes around space resources development.

9.- The goal is to overcome fear of new technologies like AI and use them to create a positive future.

10.- Ansari wants to inspire more young girls to enter STEM fields and become astronauts and engineers.

11.- Ansari shares a video of her journey to space, which she risked her life to experience.

12.- Training included centrifuge, zero-G flights. The Soyuz rocket ride took 2 days to reach the space station.

13.- In space, the lack of gravity means no up or down orientation. Earth looks peaceful and borderless.

14.- Ansari believes if more people experienced this perspective, we would work harder to preserve Earth.

15.- Liu Yang, the first Chinese female astronaut, flew on the Shenzhou 9 mission to the Tiangong space station.

16.- Liu performed the first manual docking. Seeing Earth from space left her astonished by its beauty.

17.- Lack of gravity allowed Liu to float freely. She dreamt of flying like the Monkey King from Chinese mythology.

18.- Space exploration is risky but continues. AI astronauts may assist humans in future.

19.- More women are joining space exploration. China is building a new space station and seeking international cooperation.

20.- Samantha Cristoforetti, first Italian female astronaut, spent 200 days on the ISS.

21.- As a child, Cristoforetti was never told she couldn't become an astronaut. She studied engineering internationally.

22.- Cristoforetti joined the Italian Air Force, became a combat pilot, then an ESA astronaut in 2009.

23.- ISS astronaut training takes you all around the world for 2.5 years to partner space agencies.

24.- Cristoforetti launched on a Soyuz, stayed nearly 7 months doing 200 experiments, spacewalks, robotic arm control.

25.- The ISS will operate until at least 2024. Future plans include a station orbiting the moon.

26.- A moon-orbiting station could enable lunar surface missions, and eventually Mars missions.

27.- AI will be instrumental in space, from Earth observation data analysis to autonomous robots for exploration.

28.- Robotic precursor missions with AI for navigation and geological analysis will be key for moon/Mars missions.

29.- technology and AI can help make ambitious space exploration programs more affordable and likely to happen.

30.- Engaging more people, overcoming fear, and using AI for good can help create a positive future in space.

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