Knowledge Vault 3/5 - GTEC BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School 2024
The impact of robotics and other modern technologies on the lives of humans and other living organisms
Masa Jazbec, University of Art and Design Linz (AT)
<Resume Image >

Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4 | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef education fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef research fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef projects fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef workshops fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef technical fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; A[Masa Jazbec] --> B[Robots operated with BCI at festival. 1] B --> C[Artist, educator, researcher
combines robotics, BCI. 2] C --> D[Tested BCI controlling
android robot. 3] D --> E[Experiments: BCI-controlled third
arm for multitasking. 4] A --> F[Teaches neuroart, neurorobotics
courses at universities. 8] F --> G[Conducted BCI workshops
promoting neurotechnology. 5] G --> H[Successful BCI hackathon,
high youth interest. 6] A --> I['BCI painter' project: digital
painting with thoughts. 7] A --> J[Student projects: BCI-controlled
lighting, games, drawing. 9] J --> K[Human-robot music composition
using BCI. 10] A --> L[Connected Spot robot
with BCI control. 11] A --> M[Mechatronic marionette octopus
controlled by BCI. 12] A --> N[BCI-controlled industrial robot
arm creates paintings. 13] A --> O[Humanoid robot Eva
operated by BCI. 14] A --> P[BCI and Fanuc robot
for thought-writing. 15] P --> Q[Industrial robots with
BCI for rehabilitation. 16] A --> R['Neuroflying' project: BCI-controlled
flight simulator. 17] R --> S[Flew simulator with thoughts,
presented in Dubai. 18] A --> T[BCI workshops for children
teaching neuroscience. 19] T --> U[Children learn brain waves,
plasticity, write with BCIs. 20] U --> V[Workshops expanded to families,
inspiring neurotechnology scientists. 21] A --> W['Neuro Bartender' project: BCI-selected
drink mixing robot. 22] A --> X[Major robotics and AI
festival in Slovenia. 23] A --> Y[Biohybrid research inspires,
explains biological systems. 24] A --> Z[Fanuc: collaborative, safe
robot with custom programming. 25] A --> AA[Microcontrollers, converters, software
control various robots. 26] AA --> AB[Programming in Python for
Fanuc, Yaskawa, NAO. 27] A --> AC[Mentorship, technology access
for interested students. 28] A --> AD[BCI input decoded with proprietary
libraries, custom protocols. 29] AD --> AE[Colleague Jan Grisic provides
technical support. 30] class B,C,D,E,Y research; class F,G,H,T,U,V,AC education; class I,J,K,L,M,N,O,P,Q,R,S,W,X projects; class Z,AA,AB,AD,AE technical;


1.-Masa demonstrates operating robots with BCI at a robotics and AI festival in Slovenia, including a demonstration for the Slovenian president.

2.-Masa is an artist, educator and researcher combining robotics with BCI systems. She works with a small team including Jan Grisic.

3.-Masa first tested BCI technology during her PhD studies at Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro's robotics lab in Japan, controlling an android robot.

4.-The Ishiguro lab also did experiments using BCI to control a third robotic arm for multitasking, which inspired Masa's work.

5.-After her PhD, Masa conducted BCI workshops at the University of Arts and Design in Linz to promote neurotechnology.

6.-Masa and her team did a successful brain-computer interface hackathon in Slovenia in 2019, noticing high interest among youth.

7.-One of their first BCI projects with high school students was a "BCI painter" allowing digital painting with thoughts alone.

8.-Masa teaches courses on neuroart and neurorobotics at universities in Slovenia and Linz. Students learn to use BCI and robotics.

9.-Student projects include ambient lighting controlled by brain activity while doing math, a robotic drawing game, and a BCI-controlled maze game.

10.-Another student project was a human-robot music composition, selecting notes with BCI which the robot then plays.

11.-Masa's team successfully connected the Spot robot dog from Boston Dynamics with BCI control, envisioning applications like fetching objects.

12.-They collaborated with a theater group on a mechatronic marionette octopus whose role is played by a robot arm controlled by BCI.

13.-A popular demonstration is using BCI to select paintbrushes and control a Yaskawa industrial robot arm to create paintings.

14.-All movements of their humanoid robot named Eva can be operated by BCI. Students have creative freedom in designing applications.

15.-Masa demonstrated using BCI and a Fanuc robot to write letters at a robotics festival, allowing people to write with their thoughts.

16.-Industrial robots like Fanuc arms are increasingly being used in rehabilitation applications when combined with BCI systems.

17.-Masa and her team designed a "Neuroflying" project combining BCI with a professional flight simulator from an aviation company.

18.-Users can fly the simulator with their thoughts, selecting directions by arrows. The project was presented successfully in Dubai.

19.-Masa conducts many BCI workshops for children at science centers in Slovenia to teach them about neuroscience and BCIs.

20.-Children learn about brain waves, plasticity, the motor homunculus, and try writing with BCIs. The workshops are very popular.

21.-Workshops have expanded to include whole families. Masa hopes to inspire more neurotechnology scientists through outreach to youth.

22.-A humorous project with high school students was a "Neuro Bartender" where users select drink combinations with BCI to mix with the robot.

23.-Masa and her team are currently busy with a major festival of robotics and AI in Slovenia attracting around 2000 visitors.

24.-Biohybrid organism research in robotics is very inspired by and leads to greater understanding of biological systems.

25.-The Fanuc robot is a collaborative robot safe to work alongside humans. Minor custom programming was needed to interface it.

26.-Masa's projects utilize a combination of microcontrollers, digital/analog converters and software for controlling the various robots.

27.-Most of the programming is done in Python, including for the Fanuc, Yaskawa and NAO robots. MATLAB could also be used.

28.-Masa is open to providing mentorship and technology access for interested students, as she has done for several master's theses.

29.-The BCI input is decoded with a combination of proprietary libraries from robot manufacturers and custom protocols developed by Masa's team.

30.-Technical details like the specific IDE used could be better answered by Masa's colleague Jan Grišic who provides technical support.

Knowledge Vault built byDavid Vivancos 2024