Knowledge Vault 3/44 - G.TEC BCI & Neurotechnology Spring School 2024 - Day 4
Hybrid brain-machine interfaces for remote monitoring
& neurorehabilitation of neurological disorders
Zied Tayeb, University of Lincol (UK), Myelin-H (LX)
<Resume Image >

Concept Graph & Resume using Claude 3 Opus | Chat GPT4 | Llama 3:

graph LR classDef zied fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef bci fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef applications fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef phd fill:#f9f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef decoding fill:#f9d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef sensory fill:#d4f9f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef nyoage fill:#f9d4d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef games fill:#d4f9d4, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; classDef astronauts fill:#d4d4f9, font-weight:bold, font-size:14px; A[Zied Tayeb] --> B[ hybrid BCI researcher. 1] A --> C[BCI interest: mother's MS diagnosis. 2] A --> D[BCI applications: soccer, music,
typing, robotics. 3] A --> E[PhD: EEG, EOG, EMG for
prosthetic arm control. 4] E --> F[Motor imagery decoding via
deep learning CNNs. 5] E --> G[Neuromorphic computing for
EEG decoding. 6] E --> H[EOG+EMG robotic arm
control and grasp. 7] E --> I[Sensory feedback: EEG for
sharpness/pain detection. 8] I --> J[Early EEG pain responses,
parietal and motor cortex. 9] I --> K[EEG classification: 5 sharpness
levels, ACC role. 10] I --> L[EEG decoding: 5 temperature
levels, graded withdrawal. 11] I --> M[Robot teleoperation with
artificial skin, EEG. 12] A --> N[Nyoage: BCI for monitoring,
neurorehabilitation. 13] N --> O[Goal: prevent disability for
brain disease patients. 14] N --> P[MS challenges: drug fit,
costs, inadequate treatment. 15] N --> Q[BrainMirror: EEG cap, EMG,
cognitive games. 16] Q --> R[Games capture digital
biomarkers of progression. 17] Q --> S[Games as 'neurorehabilitation' for
cognitive symptoms. 18] N --> T[Remote monitoring benefits:
costs, trials, empowerment. 19] N --> U[Real-time tracking, neurotherapeutic
cognitive enhancement. 20] N --> V[RMMS trial for MS
monitoring and rehab. 21] A --> W[BCI for astronaut cognition
monitoring and enhancement. 22] W --> X[Goal: use on new
space station by 2025. 23] A --> Y[Nyoage awards: NASA, BCI
prize, Luxembourg agency. 24] W --> Z[BCI in space: early
days, microgravity challenges. 25] A --> AA[Q&A: BCI+FES for
paralysis movement restoration. 26] A --> AB[EEG pain regions: motor,
somatosensory, ACC. 27] A --> AC[EEG decoding of tactile differences. 28] A --> AD[EEG signatures of
phantom limb pain. 29] A --> AE[Chess game board size. Nyoage
recruiting BCI missionaries. 30] class A,B,C zied; class D,E,F,G,H,AA,AB,AC,AD,AE bci; class I,J,K,L,M sensory; class N,O,P,T,U,V,Y nyoage; class Q,R,S games; class W,X,Z astronauts;


1.- Zied Tayeb, from University of Lincoln (UK) and Berlin company Nyoage, presented on hybrid brain-computer interfaces capturing multiple biosignals.

2.- Zied's interest in BCI stems from his mother's late-stage diagnosis with multiple sclerosis and lack of available solutions at the time.

3.- Examples of BCI applications: paraplegic patient kicking off 2014 World Cup, composing music with thoughts, typing via brain signals, controlling robotic arm.

4.- Zied's PhD focused on using EEG, EOG, EMG signals to control prosthetic arm and provide sensory feedback to the user.

5.- Started with decoding motor imagery (left/right hand movements) from EEG using deep learning (CNNs) in 2017-18, achieving 90% accuracy.

6.- Also decoded EEG using neuromorphic computing (spiking neural networks) on SpiNNaker chip, with 75% accuracy but less power and latency.

7.- Combined EOG for 2D robotic arm control and EMG for grasp with 93.6% accuracy. Arm moved via eye movements, grasped via EMG.

8.- Worked on providing sensory feedback - decoded EEG to detect sharpness/pain level when prosthesis touched objects, enabling withdrawal reflex.

9.- Found early EEG responses to noxious stimuli in parietal lobe at 54ms. Noxious stimuli also activated motor cortex for withdrawal reflex.

10.- Classified 5 levels of sharpness/pain from EEG with 95% accuracy. ACC played role as early warning system for noxious stimuli.

11.- Also decoded 5 levels of temperature (very cold to very hot) from EEG when prosthesis touched objects. Implemented graded withdrawal speeds.

12.- Did teleoperation experiments controlling a robot with artificial skin to touch hot/cold objects. Decoded EEG to implement withdrawal reflex.

13.- Started company Nyoage to translate BCI research into remote monitoring and neurorehabilitation products for neurological disorders, starting with multiple sclerosis.

14.- Goal is to prevent disability for over 1 million brain disease patients. Targeting MS first, then Parkinson's, ADHD, dementia, ALS.

15.- MS is problematic - drugs don't fit all, costs increase 70% as disease progresses, 42% get inadequate early treatment, 50% have silent progression.

16.- Created BrainMirror platform using stylish EEG cap/visor plus EMG. Patients play cognitive games for 25-40 min, data sent to physicians.

17.- Games are designed to capture digital biomarkers of disease progression. Machine learning used to translate EEG/biosignals into meaningful indicators.

18.- Games also serve as "neurorehabilitation" to alleviate cognitive symptoms. Progress tracked in real-time. Example: EEG-controlled chess game for attention/memory.

19.- Digital health enables remote monitoring, cutting costs (clinical, economic, environmental) for payers. Helps pharma run decentralized, efficient clinical trials.

20.- Empowers patients and physicians with real-time remote monitoring. Cognitive games provide neurotherapeutic treatment to enhance abilities and combat disease.

21.- Funded to run international multi-site clinical trial (RMMS) to validate medical device for MS monitoring and rehab. Over 300 patients.

22.- Also working with space industry (Axiom Space) to use BCI to monitor cognitive effects of space radiation/microgravity on astronauts.

23.- Developing BCI to monitor and enhance astronaut cognition for complex tasks. Goal to use on new space station by 2025.

24.- Nyoage has won awards from NASA iTech, Brain-Computer Interface Award, Luxembourg National Innovation Agency. Presented to King of Belgium recently.

25.- Still early days for using BCI reliably in space due to microgravity effects on EEG. A few companies experimenting on ISS.

26.- Q&A: Discussed possibility of BCI+FES to restore movement in paralysis patients. Not speaker's direct research focus but plausible.

27.- Pain regions decoded in EEG studies: motor cortex ERD/ERS, somatosensory areas, anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). TU Munich group expert.

28.- Able to decode tactile differences (spiky vs smooth) from EEG. Other groups like EPFL also investigating this.

29.- Discussed EEG signatures of phantom limb pain in amputees in another study, using similar BCI approach.

30.- Chess game board was 4x5. Speaker recruiting at Nyoage for missionaries to transform lives of brain disease patients via BCI.

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